
Tuesday 14 December 2010

Greenish hues of the gemstones have been the style quotient for centuries. Found intact amidst the ruins of Egypt and Greece, Peridot has been hailed for the beauty. By product of volcanic eruptions, the stone has inspired many artisans allover the world to create classic Peridot jewelry. It has adorned many a ladies in the world and is coveted for its beauty. Available in various sizes, shapes and greenish tones that are unusual and exotic, Peridots set in Peridot jewelry enhances the beauty of any kind of jewelry like bracelets, necklace, rings, etc. Peridot jewelry is famous for its opulence and ever green popularity.

Enticing greenish hues of Peridot gemstones make them any woman’s desire. Called “evening emerald” by the ancient Romans, Peridot was found amidst the wreckage of the ancient Egypt and Greece. The stone resembles emeralds but is distinct from them due to its green color that ranges from yellowish green to dark lime-green. The stones are available in Brown hues but they are not as popular as their green variants. In the past, these highly prized stones came from the Red Sea Islands. This product that is a by product of volcanic eruption inspires creativity in any jeweler and hence Peridot Jewelry reflects style and poise.

An important repository of Peridot is the Peridt Mesa, on the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona. It is also found in New Mexico, Burma, Pakistan, China, etc. People who celebrate their birthdays during August have this as their birthstone. According to the Hawaiians Peridot represents Goddess Pele’s tears. The sands of the beaches in Hawaii, consists of tiny grains of Peridot. The largest cut Peridot is 310 carats in weight and is preserved in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Peridot is not only used to make jewels but it also has medicinal property and it is administered to the Asthma patients. Peridot stands for power and influence according to the folklore.

Peridot jewelry like necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings in an assortment of designs and patterns that suit the needs of today’s generation and the desire of the aged, who savor the classic designs of the past. Peridot Jewelry has been popular for ages. The stones color enriches the jewelry collection of the owner and a sheer look at the green hue captivates the onlooker. Peridot Jewelry can also give a traditional and ethnic look and trendy patterns that suffice the contemporary needs adorns the generation next as well. The stones timeless look enhances every piece of jewelry irrespective of the age to which it belongs; such is the freshness of the colors of Peridot.


Fesco Temberson said...

People who have green clothes or any part of their clothes is green then they should buy green diamonds without any second thought.

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