
Tuesday 14 December 2010

When a young driver is involved in accident, it can be very costly because the price of the policy will rise drastically and this is why it is important to find cheap car insurance for young drivers. Nowadays, finding a cheap car insurance coverage for young drivers is no longer an impossible job due to the highly growing competitions among insurance providers. Online shopping is one of the best ways to find cheap car insurance for new drivers in the sense that there are lot of free websites that provide free online insurance policies and quotes.

One of the requirements for a young driver to get a cheap car insurance policy is to pass one or more advanced driving courses as a means of proving that you are a good and safe driver as well. For parents, it is better to send your young children to driving school instead of teaching them by yourselves so that they will not only be able to learn to drive properly but at the same time they will also be entitled for a driving school discount which most insurance companies offer.

Another thing to consider is the model aJustify Fullnd the brand of the car of the young driver. The older the model that the young driver drives, the cheaper the insurance policy will be. Although most teens would want a brand new sports car, it is probably not a good idea as the insurance premiums will be sky high. A better alternative is to give them an older model vehicle that is reliable.

Imposing a driving curfew for teenage drivers is also a better idea in order to avoid the probability of an accident or collision which might be a result on alcoholic drinks and other vices that most teenagers are engage in. So parents, be strict with your young drivers regarding "drinking and driving" as they may be more prone to engage in such behavior.

Finally, use the internet in search of insurance quotes, invite quotes from a number of online insurance websites and conduct comparisons among them. This would not only enable you to acquire a good insurance policy for young drivers but also familiarize one with the general terms and conditions pertaining to the form of insurance. New drivers usually have lesser disposable income than the older drivers and often are supported by parents therefore being able to secure a cheap automobile insurance policy can ease the pressure on the budget.


Underage Car Rental said...

Can I rent my under 21 rental car one way in the United States?
One-way rental provides many unique opportunities when traveling on American highways. From time to time you get tired of being attached to a single city/point and decide to travel wherever your heart desires.

What about arriving in sunny Fort Lauderdale, and then picking up a rental car under 21, crossing the U.S. from southwest to northeast, and ending your incredible trip in Seattle? Sounds great! With one-way car rental, your number of ideas will increase significantly.

The possibility of this option is controlled by the individual provider and destination. On, you can clarify this fact at the stage of car rental search - just enter the desired pick-up and drop-off locations. If a one-way rental is available, you will see the list of cars to select from.

This option implies a one-way surcharge. Its value depends on the cost of returning your rental car to your pick-up spot. Commonly its approximate cost is $25-30, but sometimes it may reach up to $100. See more here: rent car under 21 no fees .

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