
Tuesday 14 December 2010

Insurance is an expensive investment that nevertheless provides you protection at times when you need it the most. Getting quotes from different companies, which are mostly free nowadays, is the first step towards that investment and is like window shopping for several brands of a pricey yet useful item. This process can be difficult in itself, as your critical thinking skills must be honed here.

One way of getting quotes is via phone. You can browse through your local phone directory and search for numbers of several companies. Once you've browsed through those numbers, you can call them and ask for their quotes. An operator will respond mainly by your phone keys and will produce the resultant rate and plan. One disadvantage of this method is the amount of time and effort you have to dedicate, especially if you have to select one quote you fancy from a myriad of them.

Another method is via the Internet. This is the route to take if you don't want to wrestle with several quotes at a time. Major insurance companies provide their quotes via their websites, and there are also aggregator websites that compile quotes from several leading providers for your convenience. Whatever route you choose, the process is lightning-fast so that you can dedicate more time for that critical choice you will make.

Both methods carry a major disadvantage: while there are no middlemen involved, which makes phone quoting or online quoting absolutely cheap or free, the resultant quotes might be mostly for show; and then later the rates will spike. It is better to check the quotes that you narrowed down with a real, live broker who can act on your behalf should you run into queries and/or problems. The broker must be an agent for different companies as he/she will assist you better than automated quotes that you compiled yourself.


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